Municipal Services Reviews conducted by the Local Agency Formation Commissions (LAFCO)
A Municipal Service Review (MSR) is a comprehensive study to determine the adequacy of governmental services being provided by the local agencies under LAFCO jurisdiction (Government Code Section 56430). An MSR is a comprehensive study designed to better inform LAFCO, local agencies, and the community about the provision of municipal services. MSRs attempt to capture and analyze information about the governance structures and efficiencies of service providers, and to identify opportunities for greater coordination and cooperation between providers. LAFCOs are required to complete MSRs for all special districts as needed or every five years.
AB 2019 (Aguiar-Curry, 2018) requires that the most recent MSRs be placed on a healthcare district’s website.
To demonstrate compliance, provide a link to the latest MSR conducted (if completed) by your LAFCO.
Example of Municipal Services Review Conducted by the LAFCO Link
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