From Virtual to Reality
Friday, September 15
9:00 -10:00 AM
Alpine Ballroom
Learn how one idea hatched over a weekend blossomed into a super-cool, grant winning, award-winning program! Discussion will focus on how the idea was conceived, how the protocols were developed, pre- and post-class survey results, funding, user fees, and partnerships. Also, be sure to check out the virtual reality on-site demonstration exhibit for a first-hand experience!
Learning Outcomes:
- Join a lively discussion about how to help staff dream big dreams and do hard things.
- Sample protocols and survey handouts.
Presented by Kara Ralston CEO, Mariana Gutierrez, Program Director & Michelle Rogers Community Education and Outreach Manager, Camarillo Health Care District

Kara Ralston, CEO

Mariana Gutierrez, Program Director

Michelle Rogers, Community Education and Outreach Manager